Thursday, November 21, 2019

Developing an Implementation Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Developing an Implementation Plan - Assignment Example Second, the program will undergo formal approval through Site-Based Research (SBR) Units Review (Carter, Reitmeier & Goodloe, 2014). The success of this program implementation process will rely on the support and participation of peers and unit leaders. Peer support will ensure that the implementation process will take the shortest time possible. Additionally, peer support will contribute to enthusiasm and buy-in for the implementation process. Administrative support is equally important because it will influence the degree to which institutions will implement the program. Below is the process of obtaining informal approval: Formal approval will require the submission of the program implementation plan to Site Based Research Review (SBR). SBR will review the proposal to assess the validity and legality of the contents of the plan. Afterward, the SBR will assign a director who will then forward the proposal to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for review. The implementation will then commence after the approval of the IRB. Research studies reveal that health associated infections (HAIs) are some of the most common complications that healthcare organizations and practitioners face. For instance, a new research study reveals that more than two million people develop HAIs every year. The infections result in approximately 1,000 deaths every year. HAIs are also responsible for health care costs in excess of 30 billion dollars. Thus, addressing the issue of HAIs is critical in reducing healthcare costs and enhances patient safety. One of the approaches to addressing the problem of HAIs is reducing the prevalence of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) among patients. CAUTIs are the most typical examples of HAIs, and they account for more than 35 percent of infections. The U.S. Department of Health estimates the total annual cost of CAUTI to be 565 million dollars, and the annual rate of deaths from CAUTI is

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